Welcome to LaKishas World. The idea behind this book is to teach young children a little something about the things they see around them every day - with this version being about birds.* The story begins with LaKisha looking out the window of her room, and subsequently asks her mom about the birds she sees in her yard. As a result, she will learn their names and a little bit about them - which will, hopefully, impress her friends at a later date. Through the developing story line, I hope to instill in a childs young mind, a sense of the acceptance of others and the power of friendship. *I learned a lot about birds through two distinct vehicles. The first was spending a lot of unemployed afternoons in my own backyard watching the various birds in my trees. I made it a point to look up each one I found to discover more about them. The second was through my life-long friends Tom & Laurel, who gave tours at the Cincinnati Zoo. They could tell you more about any species than what is written on those description placards.
Welcome to LaKishas World. The idea behind this book is to teach young children a little something about the things they see around them every day - with this version being about birds.*The story begins with LaKisha looking out the window of her room, and subsequently asks her mom about the birds she sees in her yard. As a result, she will learn their names and a little bit about them - which will, hopefully, impress her friends at a later date. Through the developing story line, I hope to instill in a childs young mind, a sense of the acceptance of others and the power of friendship.*I learned a lot about birds through two distinct vehicles. The first was spending a lot of unemployed afternoons in my own backyard watching the various birds in my trees. I made it a point to look up each one I found to discover more about them. The second was through my life-long friends Tom & Laurel, who gave tours at the Cincinnati Zoo. They could tell you more about any species than what is written on those description placards.