My Father My Cousin

My Father My Cousin
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Nshira Babre
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I finally understand what my great-granduncle was warning me about: Do not limit your potentialities. The family is simply the trampoline from which I would move forward to become the best that I could be. I think that I finally got it. Why should I limit myself to the limit of the visible? Why should I only consider what is close to me? How will I grow if I keep taking only what is near? I then realized that it is better to broaden ones horizon than to be stuck in a particular place while the world is constantly changing and offering better alternatives.
I finally understand what my great-granduncle was warning me about: Do not limit your potentialities. The family is simply the trampoline from which I would move forward to become the best that I could be. I think that I finally got it. Why should I limit myself to the limit of the visible? Why should I only consider what is close to me? How will I grow if I keep taking only what is near? I then realized that it is better to broaden ones horizon than to be stuck in a particular place while the world is constantly changing and offering better alternatives.

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