Growing up in a rural well known town in the Tidewater region of Virginia, thereare some things that the area is known for. The famous ports that harbor some ofthe most notorious ocean liners known to the US Military, great southern recipes,local colleges and universities that graduate some of the best sports champions, and some of the finest flower blossoms ever to be seen in the heart of the south. I never reallypaid much attention to the former, but through an amazing journey of headaches and heartbreaks became quite familiar with the latter. Something that I never realized was how very crucial it was to protect a rosebud, from theelements of bitter cold that crept back in after the season for blossoming had arrived. I remember grandmamma saying youd better cover my bushes, this cold snap will destroymy buds. And now I can see the importance of protecting the very delicate plant, fromelements that would damage the vital process of growth and maturation into a full blossom. What is even more important to understand is the purpose of the Rose itself to Godscreation, and what is the priority of implementing every plan necessesary for its protection. Why it is not just the flower itself but its distinctly innocent purpose for beauty and joy in thescope of its existence. How God could create something so delicate and so brilliantly and uniquely detailed for an appearance, an aroma, an authenticity never seen nor known to mere man. I will make every effort to draw assimilation from the development of a natural rose to that of a spiritual impartation in the mindset of a young puberty age person forming morals values, concepts, identities, etc.. that, will ultimately determine how they interact and exchange in covenant or consequential relationships. Are you ready to take a close look at one of the most painful, yet truthfully necessary totalk about issues in our society. From the days of Biblical families to the most recent decades of new wave cultural families. We must stop trying to cover up the ugly details of sexual perversion and taboo issues of incest and sexual abuse that occurs every day to some youngperson, who is in the most crucial stage of physical and spiritual development. Sexual abusestops the process of a life that will never truly be what all it could, had the interruption in the process never occurred. When a person is sexually abused there is an interruption that occurswith their own perception of themselves and the beginning of low-self esteem and other uglymanifestations, of a victimization not asked for or warranted occurs. Thus, it is an interruption of a Rose About to Bloom. I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are your works, And that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Psalms 139:14-15 NKJ I believe that just as the Rose when exposed to the extreme and brutal external environments, inclement temperatures and the like is damaged; also is the life of the young person affected tremendously when they are exposed to invading demonic impositions through intruders of sinful activities. Like the life of the Rose is in severe danger under these conditions, causing adverse effects on its growth and development, so it is with a young adolescent who when exposed to the cruel environment of sexual perversion, incest, pornography, is ultimately, gravely affected mentally, physically, emotionally and interpersonally. Visualize the rose pedals being peeled away bearing the naked appearance of the rose; when one is molested sexually, a slice of you is taken away until finally your raw soul is left with hurt, bitterness, and pain. Many are left with trust issues which cause continuous hemorr
Growing up in a rural well known town in the Tidewater region of Virginia, thereare some things that the area is known for. The famous ports that harbor some ofthe most notorious ocean liners known to the US Military, great southern recipeslocal colleges and universities that graduate some of the best sports champions, andsome of the finest flower blossoms ever to be seen in the heart of the south. I never reallypaid much attention to the former, but through an amazing journey of headaches and heartbreaks became quite familiar with the latter.Something that I never realized was how very crucial it was to protect a rosebud, from theelements of bitter cold that crept back in after the season for blossoming had arrived.I remember grandmamma saying youd better cover my bushes, this cold snap will destroymy buds. And now I can see the importance of protecting the very delicate plant, fromelements that would damage the vital process of growth and maturation into a full blossom.What is even more important to understand is the purpose of the Rose itself to Godscreation, and what is the priority of implementing every plan necessesary for its protection.Why it is not just the flower itself but its distinctly innocent purpose for beauty and joy in thescope of its existence. How God could create something so delicate and so brilliantly anduniquely detailed for an appearance, an aroma, an authenticity never seen nor known to mereman. I will make every effort to draw assimilation from the development of a natural rose tothat of a spiritual impartation in the mindset of a young puberty age person forming moralsvalues, concepts, identities, etc.. that, will ultimately determine how they interact andexchange in covenant or consequential relationships.Are you ready to take a close look at one of the most painful, yet truthfully necessary totalk about issues in our society. From the days of Biblical families to the most recent decadesof new wave cultural families. We must stop trying to cover up the ugly details of sexualperversion and taboo issues of incest and sexual abuse that occurs every day to some youngperson, who is in the most crucial stage of physical and spiritual development. Sexual abusestops the process of a life that will never truly be what all it could, had the interruption in theprocess never occurred. When a person is sexually abused there is an interruption that occurswith their own perception of themselves and the beginning of low-self esteem and other uglymanifestations, of a victimization not asked for or warranted occurs. Thus, it is an interruptionof a Rose About to Bloom.I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are your works, And that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Psalms 139:14-15 NKJI believe that just as the Rose when exposed to the extreme and brutal externalenvironments, inclement temperatures and the like is damaged; also is the life of the youngperson affected tremendously when they are exposed to invading demonic impositions throughintruders of sinful activities. Like the life of the Rose is in severe danger under these conditionscausing adverse effects on its growth and development, so it is with a young adolescent whowhen exposed to the cruel environment of sexual perversion, incest, pornography, isultimately, gravely affected mentally, physically, emotionally and interpersonally.Visualize the rose pedals being peeled away bearing the naked appearance of the rose;when one is molested sexually, a slice of you is taken away until finally your raw soul is leftwith hurt, bitterness, and pain. Many are left with trust issues which cause continuoushemorr