Return to Arkansas Post

Return to Arkansas Post
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Mary Wiggins Cotton
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To honor his wifes death-bed wish, William Brock had sent his impulsive,gangly, rabbit-shooting, tomboyish fourteen-year-old daughter, Hannah, toBoston to live with her aunt and to attend Boston Finishing School. In 1827, fouryears later, Hannah returns to Arkansas Post as a beautiful, poised and graciousyoung lady. She meets a handsome, elusive stranger who sends her emotions reeling,involves herself with the problems of a childhood friend and takes on a ruthlessbanker who is out to destroy her. She quickly realizes she must combine the best ofboth her worlds to survive in the currently evolving structure of Arkansas Post.
To honor his wifes death-bed wish, William Brock had sent his impulsivegangly, rabbit-shooting, tomboyish fourteen-year-old daughter, Hannah, toBoston to live with her aunt and to attend Boston Finishing School. In 1827, fouryears later, Hannah returns to Arkansas Post as a beautiful, poised and graciousyoung lady.She meets a handsome, elusive stranger who sends her emotions reelinginvolves herself with the problems of a childhood friend and takes on a ruthlessbanker who is out to destroy her. She quickly realizes she must combine the best ofboth her worlds to survive in the currently evolving structure of Arkansas Post.

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