How to Dissolve Childhood Pain

How to Dissolve Childhood Pain
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A Simple Guide to Understanding Childhood Conditioning and Releasing Negative Beliefs
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Sarah King
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Most problematic situations that people face throughout their lives are directly linked to childhood experiences. All experiences that confront a child will have some form of positive or negative impact on that childs life well into adulthood. This is because of a thing called childhood conditioning. What is learnt in childhood is heavily relied upon by people throughout their adulthood. The issue with childhood conditioning however, is that many children are exposed to some form of emotional and psychological trauma. This trauma, if left unattended, can be stored in the subconscious mind as emotional pain. Regardless of age and experience, adults can and typically do, go about their lives carrying around unresolved emotional pain. How to Dissolve Childhood Pain discusses the dynamics of childhood condition and how it shapes adulthood beliefs. It explains why people subconsciously attract situations into their lives that mirror past traumatic childhood events. Most of all, it introduces ways to heal unresolved childhood pain in a simplistic yet effective manner.
Most problematic situations that people face throughout their lives are directly linked to childhood experiences. All experiences that confront a child will have some form of positive or negative impact on that childs life well into adulthood. This is because of a thing called childhood conditioning. What is learnt in childhood is heavily relied upon by people throughout their adulthood. The issue with childhood conditioning however, is that many children are exposed to some form of emotional and psychological trauma. This trauma, if left unattended, can be stored in the subconscious mind as emotional pain. Regardless of age and experience, adults can and typically do, go about their lives carrying around unresolved emotional pain. How to Dissolve Childhood Pain discusses the dynamics of childhood condition and how it shapes adulthood beliefs. It explains why people subconsciously attract situations into their lives that mirror past traumatic childhood events. Most of all, it introduces ways to heal unresolved childhood pain in a simplistic yet effective manner.

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