Phila-Italy Americana

Phila-Italy Americana
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Italian Themes on United States Postage Stamps
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Gerardo Perrotta
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Postage stamps do more than just facilitate the transport of mail. They tell a story. This book tells the unique story of the indelible imprint Italians, Italian-Americans, and lovers of Italian culture have imparted on the formation and development of the United States. While each encapsulated image traces a single thread of the journey, together they form a rich trove of experiences and contributions from the very beginning to the present. But the story does not end here! As successes and contributions from this large ethnic and highly assimilated group continue to mount, the pictorial story of America will continue to grow. The ever-blossoming tale of those with a root in the boot will grace the American landscape for years to come.
Postage stamps do more than just facilitate the transport of mail. They tell a story. This book tells the unique story of the indelible imprint Italians, Italian-Americans, and lovers of Italian culture have imparted on the formation and development of the United States. While each encapsulated image traces a single thread of the journey, together they form a rich trove of experiences and contributions from the very beginning to the present.But the story does not end here! As successes and contributions from this large ethnic and highly assimilated group continue to mount, the pictorial story of America will continue to grow. The ever-blossoming tale of those with a root in the boot will grace the American landscape for years to come.

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