My Military Life

My Military Life
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Theodore T. Spencer
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First Sergeant Theodore T. Spencer Jr. is his personaldisclosure into his growth and involvement, from his youthhelping his father, in the coal mining business at Ralston,Pennsylvania, to his love of trains, scouting, communityaffairs, and most especially a full 22 year career in theUnited States Army. First Sergeant Theodore T. SpencerJr. closed out his career as fi rst sergeant retired from FortStewart, Georgia. Prior to the above retirement, the fi rst sergeant taughtdrill and ceremony at the University of Scranton, Scranton,Pennsylvania. During this tenure, First Sergeant Spencer alsodeveloped a drill team which went on to receive honors incompetition.
First Sergeant Theodore T. Spencer Jr. is his personaldisclosure into his growth and involvement, from his youthhelping his father, in the coal mining business at RalstonPennsylvania, to his love of trains, scouting, communityaffairs, and most especially a full 22 year career in theUnited States Army. First Sergeant Theodore T. SpencerJr. closed out his career as fi rst sergeant retired from FortStewart, Georgia.Prior to the above retirement, the fi rst sergeant taughtdrill and ceremony at the University of Scranton, ScrantonPennsylvania. During this tenure, First Sergeant Spencer alsodeveloped a drill team which went on to receive honors incompetition.

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