Here, There and Everywhere

Here, There and Everywhere
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Bettie Witherspoon Wright
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Passage from one of my stories. The train had just entered the last and longest tunnel. We were allready late for our arrival in the town of El Fuerte. Suddenly all hell erupted---the train stopped---the engines stopped! Gunshots resounded from the car in front! Terrified passengers came running through our car, trying to escape. from what? What was happening? My companion and I dropped to the floor. I started praying, The light of God surrounds us, the love of God enfolds us, the power of God protects us, and the presence of God watches over us. Wherever we are God is
Passage from one of my stories.The train had just entered the last and longest tunnel. We wereallready late for our arrival in the town of El Fuerte.Suddenly all hell erupted---the train stopped---the enginesstopped! Gunshots resounded from the car in front! Terrifiedpassengers came running through our car, trying to escape. fromwhat? What was happening?My companion and I dropped to the floor. I started prayingThe light of God surrounds us, the love of God enfolds usthe power of God protects us, and the presence of Godwatches over us. Wherever we are God is

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