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An autobiographical book written in poetic prose inspired by classical and modernistic modelswritten in Early Modern English for the greater part. The first book with a message for world peace and the secondfocusing on pain and despair. Psychologically intended to be read sequentially for deep impact and hidden messages thatunveil themselves given progression. Position of Book: World Peace, World History, Religion, Philosophy, Autobiography, Paranormal, Educational, Poetryand Inspirational ALL non-fiction but some pieces in great symbology.* * *The book(s) may start off boring but after a while it HOOKS one in. All copyright details have been sorted. There is greatinjustice to the book if merely skimmed as various stories only unfold as the reader progresses (it all is NON-FICTION, withgreat symbology in some pieces).The price of $0.99 as listed here was the minimal requirement fee from the author's supporting publishers. The book was however made with the intentions of it being distributed freely and instead voluntary donations be forwarded to the author's PayPal account as indicated on the first page this if the reader enjoyed this most personal book. At least 15% of all proceeds will be donated to charity bodies and all profits to noble causes a test of the kindness to say the least.Show your support by visiting the books first official review at The Indigo Quill (5/5 Star Rating!!!) through his author webpage at
An autobiographical book written in poetic prose inspired by classical and modernistic modelswritten in Early Modern English for the greater part. The first book with a message for world peace and the secondfocusing on pain and despair. Psychologically intended to be read sequentially for deep impact and hidden messages thatunveil themselves given progression.Position of Book: World Peace, World History, Religion, Philosophy, Autobiography, Paranormal, Educational, Poetryand Inspirational ALL non-fiction but some pieces in great symbology.* * *The book(s) may start off boring but after a while it HOOKS one in. All copyright details have been sorted. There is greatinjustice to the book if merely skimmed as various stories only unfold as the reader progresses (it all is NON-FICTION, withgreat symbology in some pieces).The price of $0.99 as listed here was the minimal requirement fee from the author's supporting publishers. The book was however made with the intentions of it being distributed freely and instead voluntary donations be forwarded to the author's PayPal account as indicated on the first page this if the reader enjoyed this most personal book. At least 15% of all proceeds will be donated to charity bodies and all profits to noble causes a test of the kindness to say the least.Show your support by visiting the books first official review at The Indigo Quill (5/5 Star Rating!!!) through his author webpage at

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