The Oracle’s Journal

The Oracle’s Journal
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5,49 €*

Dimitri Liountris
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

Suddenly, it’s a world flooded with magic and danger draws closer with every passing second. When the powers of sixteen gods are inherited by four teenagers, destruction is not far behind.
In Maxton City, everything changes in the blink of an eye. When a portal to the Chaos Realm – a place of torment, a world of horrors – opens up over Maxton City Park, the monsters begin to appear. Then comes the First Queen of Earth.

Unbeknownst to anyone, four teenagers have found the means to battling these enemies deep in the Cradle of Humankind. They have found the Amulets of the Spirits, artefacts that house the souls of long-dead gods and grant the four powers beyond their wildest dreams, creating the new Guardians. Using these amulets, they can take the forms of the gods, and wield power that would incinerate mortals. But even that might not be enough…

Serena, the First Queen, the Demon Queen, is searching for the most powerful artefact in existence, an artefact capable of granting the power of a god: The Oracle’s Journal. If she ascends, then not even the guardians can stop her.

And there’ll be no gods to help them for what comes next…

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