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Aileen Muhammad
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If you have the privilege, you already have the right to peruse AileenMuhammads collection of work from 2009 to present. I have. Youhad been whisked away at the very first word of every piece she haswritten. Aileen will unleash your spirit and take you somewhere. And everyone of her riveting, healing, love pods, take you by thehand, walks you across the street to Karma, then, hurl you throughnon-stop imagery, imaginings, soul deep steep vision parables thatmake it exciting to you see for your Self what you have read. Sustained takes every line of verse and weaves them seamlessly withBais (Carl Karni-Bain)consuming paintings that tour Persona, thesoul of persona. Sustained places every verse and image on the tip ofyour tongue. Yes, Sustained speaks from you, through you, to whereyou must go. Aileens, Sustained, incurs nature, stretches longing to the nth degree. Both holy and sacred, Aileen defines the microcosmic juncture of thetwo, a formula for transcendence. Sustained traverses every revered poetic structure with a verydelightful page of Haiku Feathers that manipulates the sparkle inyour eye. But, oh my, the signature structural fierceness of SustainedAileen Muhammad is a fearless language soloist. Sustained is a Schoolof Thought entry to the annals. Nathan Ross Freeman
If you have the privilege, you already have the right to peruse AileenMuhammads collection of work from 2009 to present. I have. Youhad been whisked away at the very first word of every piece she haswritten. Aileen will unleash your spirit and take you somewhere. And everyone of her riveting, healing, love pods, take you by thehand, walks you across the street to Karma, then, hurl you throughnon-stop imagery, imaginings, soul deep steep vision parables thatmake it exciting to you see for your Self what you have read. Sustained takes every line of verse and weaves them seamlessly withBais (Carl Karni-Bain)consuming paintings that tour Persona, thesoul of persona. Sustained places every verse and image on the tip ofyour tongue. Yes, Sustained speaks from you, through you, to whereyou must go. Aileens, Sustained, incurs nature, stretches longing to the nth degree. Both holy and sacred, Aileen defines the microcosmic juncture of thetwo, a formula for transcendence. Sustained traverses every revered poetic structure with a verydelightful page of Haiku Feathers that manipulates the sparkle inyour eye. But, oh my, the signature structural fierceness of SustainedAileen Muhammad is a fearless language soloist. Sustained is a Schoolof Thought entry to the annals. Nathan Ross Freeman

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