Dark Memory

Dark Memory
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Jonathan Latimer
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On a mad mission in the African jungle, a photographer loses his wayLew Cable is an impulsive man, lazy and violent, especially when he has been drinking. He is a rotten choice to lead a scientific expedition, but his wife’s money convinces the exploration committee that he is the man for the job. Jay Nichols sees right through Cable’s bravado, but for the chance to photograph African gorillas in their natural habitat, he is more than willing to sacrifice his pride. If he is not careful, he will give up much more than that.After accidentally killing a female gorilla, Nichols is beset with shame and grief. His judgment impaired, he makes the mistake of venturing into the jungle alone with the trip leader’s wife. When they get lost, Nichols quickly finds that an angry husband is far more dangerous than any beast the jungle has to offer.
On a mad mission in the African jungle, a photographer loses his wayLew Cable is an impulsive man, lazy and violent, especially when he has been drinking. He is a rotten choice to lead a scientific expedition, but his wife’s money convinces the exploration committee that he is the man for the job. Jay Nichols sees right through Cable’s bravado, but for the chance to photograph African gorillas in their natural habitat, he is more than willing to sacrifice his pride. If he is not careful, he will give up much more than that.After accidentally killing a female gorilla, Nichols is beset with shame and grief. His judgment impaired, he makes the mistake of venturing into the jungle alone with the trip leader’s wife. When they get lost, Nichols quickly finds that an angry husband is far more dangerous than any beast the jungle has to offer.

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