Courthouse : A Novel

Courthouse : A Novel
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A Novel
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John Nicholas Iannuzzi
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The blistering novel of a courageous young lawyer in a big-city jungle of mob violence, corrupt courts, political intrigue, and dangerous passion!In the hushed halls of justice, Marc Conte was dynamite. From quiet air-conditioned courtrooms to seething New York streetsCourthousefollows Contethe city's brightest young criminal lawyeras he grapples with the most dangerous adversaries a lawyer ever faced: corrupt DAs and crooked judges; political backstabbers who could end a young lawyer's career for good; and women willing to do anything for his services.Ahead of Conte are his three most challenging casesand a slashing confrontation with the seamy side of the American legal system. With all the explosive reality of the passions it portraysCourthousepropels the reader into the tumultuous world of Marc Conte, trial lawyer.
The blistering novel of a courageous young lawyer in a big-city jungle of mob violence, corrupt courts, political intrigue, and dangerous passion!In the hushed halls of justice, Marc Conte was dynamite. From quiet air-conditioned courtrooms to seething New York streetsCourthousefollows Contethe city's brightest young criminal lawyeras he grapples with the most dangerous adversaries a lawyer ever faced: corrupt DAs and crooked judges; political backstabbers who could end a young lawyer's career for good; and women willing to do anything for his services.Ahead of Conte are his three most challenging casesand a slashing confrontation with the seamy side of the American legal system. With all the explosive reality of the passions it portraysCourthousepropels the reader into the tumultuous world of Marc Conte, trial lawyer.

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