Explorers’ Gate

Explorers’ Gate
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Chris Grabenstein
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In New York City's Central Park, remarkable things happen after the sun goes downNikki Van Wyck knows everything about Central Park. She can tell you how many benches it has, how many acres it isand exactly where to find an adventure after dark. When she teams up with a few new friends to track down a treasure in the park, her expert knowledge comes in handy. But the place she thought she knew is transformed before her eyes as the statues begin to come to life!It turns out that Central Park has secrets that can't be found in any guidebook. Magical secrets. And what Nikki thought was just a scavenger hunt is actually much more. Now she's about to embark on an incredible adventure that will uncover the hidden enchantments in the park she lovesand reveal surprising things about herself, as well.
In New York City's Central Park, remarkable things happen after the sun goes downNikki Van Wyck knows everything about Central Park. She can tell you how many benches it has, how many acres it isand exactly where to find an adventure after dark. When she teams up with a few new friends to track down a treasure in the park, her expert knowledge comes in handy. But the place she thought she knew is transformed before her eyes as the statues begin to come to life!It turns out that Central Park has secrets that can't be found in any guidebook. Magical secrets. And what Nikki thought was just a scavenger hunt is actually much more. Now she's about to embark on an incredible adventure that will uncover the hidden enchantments in the park she lovesand reveal surprising things about herself, as well.

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