Lessons in Love

Lessons in Love
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Emily Franklin
The Principles of Love

It's Love's final year at Hadley Hallhas she learned all she needs to get by?Who said senior year was simple? No longer a day student at Hadley Hall, Love Bukowski's about to move into the dormswith none other than her archenemy, Lindsay Parrish. Love must deal with Lindsay's rules as head monitor; her handsome boyfriend, Charlie, returning to Harvard; and her ex Jacob giving her the cold shoulder. On the bright side, Love has a new look, a new feel, and best of all, she's going to be reunited with her mom and half-sister, Sadie. The boys of summer (or fall) may come and go, but Love's faith in family and her passion for writing stay steady. It may be the end of high school, but there will always be lessons in Love . . .
It's Love's final year at Hadley Hallhas she learned all she needs to get by?Who said senior year was simple? No longer a day student at Hadley Hall, Love Bukowski's about to move into the dormswith none other than her archenemy, Lindsay Parrish. Love must deal with Lindsay's rules as head monitor; her handsome boyfriend, Charlie, returning to Harvard; and her ex Jacob giving her the cold shoulder. On the bright side, Love has a new look, a new feel, and best of all, she's going to be reunited with her mom and half-sister, Sadie. The boys of summer (or fall) may come and go, but Love's faith in family and her passion for writing stay steady. It may be the end of high school, but there will always be lessons in Love . . .

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