Piece, Love, and Happiness

Piece, Love, and Happiness
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Emily Franklin
The Principles of Love

Fall is in the air and Love is back at Hadley HallFor Love Bukowski, summer's over and school is about to begin. But it seems like Love's going it alone: Her aunt Mable has been acting weird, her dad (who happens to be principal of the school) is preoccupied, her ex is pouting in Europe, and her former friend Cordelia has bonded with the evil Lindsay Parrish. Enter Arabella Piece, the new exchange student from London, who's staying with Love and has some secrets of her own. Love's summer may have called it a wrap, but her fall semester dramas have just begun.
Fall is in the air and Love is back at Hadley HallFor Love Bukowski, summer's over and school is about to begin. But it seems like Love's going it alone: Her aunt Mable has been acting weird, her dad (who happens to be principal of the school) is preoccupied, her ex is pouting in Europe, and her former friend Cordelia has bonded with the evil Lindsay Parrish. Enter Arabella Piece, the new exchange student from London, who's staying with Love and has some secrets of her own. Love's summer may have called it a wrap, but her fall semester dramas have just begun.

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