Summer Nights

Summer Nights
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Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I

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Caroline B. Cooney

Is this really goodbye for the recent graduates of Westerly High as they get ready to start their new lives?High school is over, graduation already fading into memory. Kip, Anne, Beth Rose, Emily, and Molly are getting ready for one last party before they head off in different directions.Anne has a great new job that will take her all over the world. But it means leaving Con, the boy she loves, behind.Kip is going off to college, a thrilling—and terrifying—prospect.Emily’s engaged, but now Matt is making her think twice about marrying him.Beth will be the only one staying in Westerly . . . with Molly, who never belonged to the in-crowd in the first place, and now there’s no in-crowd left.For these girls of summer, their last night together has to be perfect. It will be a time of goodbyes and new romance as they all wonder: Will they ever belong to any place or person again? Ever have friends like these again? Ever see one other again? 
Is this really goodbye for the recent graduates of Westerly High as they get ready to start their new lives?High school is over, graduation already fading into memory. Kip, Anne, Beth Rose, Emily, and Molly are getting ready for one last party before they head off in different directions.Anne has a great new job that will take her all over the world. But it means leaving Con, the boy she loves, behind.Kip is going off to college, a thrilling—and terrifying—prospect.Emily’s engaged, but now Matt is making her think twice about marrying him.Beth will be the only one staying in Westerly . . . with Molly, who never belonged to the in-crowd in the first place, and now there’s no in-crowd left.For these girls of summer, their last night together has to be perfect. It will be a time of goodbyes and new romance as they all wonder: Will they ever belong to any place or person again? Ever have friends like these again? Ever see one other again? 

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