With Intent to Kill

With Intent to Kill
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Hugh Pentecost
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In the pool of the Beaumont Hotel, a teenager is found murdered and faceless  Manhattan’s charitable circles know no finer place for a fundraiser than the stately Beaumont Hotel, whose brilliant manager Pierre Chambrun will do whatever it takes to make Good Samaritans feel at home. This means that after popular singer Stan Nelson has completed his annual twenty-four-hour telethon for cancer research, Chambrun is loath to wake the crooner from his well-earned sleep. But there has been a murder in the hotel’s pool, and that means no good deed will go unpunished. A young man is found floating in the water, his face a bloody mess, his pockets empty of everything but a telethon pledge card bearing Stan’s autograph. The star swears he doesn’t recognize the corpse, but as Chambrun and his team dig into the secrets behind the charity, they discover a tangled plot involving sin and religion, and the deadly consequences that can come from doing good.
In the pool of the Beaumont Hotel, a teenager is found murdered and faceless  Manhattan’s charitable circles know no finer place for a fundraiser than the stately Beaumont Hotel, whose brilliant manager Pierre Chambrun will do whatever it takes to make Good Samaritans feel at home. This means that after popular singer Stan Nelson has completed his annual twenty-four-hour telethon for cancer research, Chambrun is loath to wake the crooner from his well-earned sleep. But there has been a murder in the hotel’s pool, and that means no good deed will go unpunished. A young man is found floating in the water, his face a bloody mess, his pockets empty of everything but a telethon pledge card bearing Stan’s autograph. The star swears he doesn’t recognize the corpse, but as Chambrun and his team dig into the secrets behind the charity, they discover a tangled plot involving sin and religion, and the deadly consequences that can come from doing good.

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