Taming Jason

Taming Jason
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Lucy Gordon
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Als Single hatte Lucy Gordon so viel Spaß, dass sie sich gar nicht vorstellen konnte, das ungebundene Leben zugunsten einer Ehe aufzugeben. Doch dann traf sie während eines Urlaubs in Italien einen großen, gut aussehenden Mann, der aus Venedig stammte und ihr bereits am zweiten Tag einen Antrag machte, den sie sofort annahm.
Elinor knew it would be difficult to stay calm and professional while nursing Jason Tenby back to health; he was used to calling the shots. Also, she couldn't forget the time years ago when Jason had kissed her passionately...She'd never forgiven Jason for the trouble it had caused. But now he was injured and temporarily blind. For his sake she must keep her identity a secret. However, as she healed him, she tamed him-and fell for him. All too soon he would be able to see her again- surely he'd recognize her as the woman whom he'd once considered unsuitable marriage material?
Elinor knew it would be difficult to stay calm and professional while nursing Jason Tenby back to health; he was used to calling the shots. Also, she couldn't forget the time years ago when Jason had kissed her passionately...She'd never forgiven Jason for the trouble it had caused. But now he was injured and temporarily blind. For his sake she must keep her identity a secret. However, as she healed him, she tamed him-and fell for him. All too soon he would be able to see her again- surely he'd recognize her as the woman whom he'd once considered unsuitable marriage material?

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