Making Human Geography

Making Human Geography
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Kevin R. Cox
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This book cogently examines how human geography has developed from a field with limited self-awareness regarding method and theory to the vibrant study of society and space that it is today. Kevin R. Cox provides an interpretive, critical perspective on Anglo-American geographic thought in the 20th and 21st centuries. He probes the impact of the spatial-quantitative revolution and geography's engagement with other social sciences, particularly in social theory. Key concepts and theories in the field are explained and illustrated with instructive research examples. Cox explores both how new approaches to human geography get constructed and what each school of thought has contributed to understanding the world in which we live.

This book cogently examines how human geography has developed from a field with limited self-awareness regarding method and theory to the vibrant study of society and space that it is today. Kevin R. Cox provides an interpretive, critical perspective on Anglo-American geographic thought in the 20th and 21st centuries. He probes the impact of the spatial-quantitative revolution and geography's engagement with other social sciences, particularly in social theory. Key concepts and theories in the field are explained and illustrated with instructive research examples. Cox explores both how new approaches to human geography get constructed and what each school of thought has contributed to understanding the world in which we live.

1. Human Geography: The First Half Century
2. Long Live the Revolution!
3. Social Theory and Human Geography: Material Matters
4. Social Theory and Human Geography: Worlds of Meaning
5. New Understandings of Space
6. Methods in Question
7. Human Geography and How and Why Things Happen
8. Making Space for Human Geography in the Social Sciences
9. Making Sense of Human Geography, Past and Present

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