The Mediated Presidency

The Mediated Presidency
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Television News and Presidential Governance
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Stephen J. Farnsworth
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Including late-breaking data from the Iraq occupation and the disastrous CBS News reports on Bush's Vietnam-era National Guard Service, acclaimed media scholars Stephen J. Farnsworth and S. Robert Lichter examine news coverage of military policy, economic policy, and scandals from the last four U.S. presidencies, including the current controversial administration. Using a quarter-century of content analysis data, the authors demonstrate how the White House dominates Capitol Hill on every dimension of news coverage, undermining Congress's attempt to compete as a co-equal branch before the public. At the same time, they show how the networks are steadily losing ground to new media outlets and suggest future paths our media mania may take.
Including late-breaking data from the Iraq occupation and the disastrous CBS News reports on Bush's Vietnam-era National Guard Service, acclaimed media scholars Stephen J. Farnsworth and S. Robert Lichter examine news coverage of military policy, economic policy, and scandals from the last four U.S. presidencies, including the current controversial administration. Using a quarter-century of content analysis data, the authors demonstrate how the White House dominates Capitol Hill on every dimension of news coverage, undermining Congress's attempt to compete as an equal branch before the public. At the same time, they show how the networks are steadily losing ground to new media outlets and suggest future paths our media mania may take.
Chapter 1 U.S. Presidential Governance and Television News: Studying Media Content
Chapter 2 Presidents versus Congress: The Competition for Media Attention
Chapter 3 Presidents in Good Times and Bad: Covering the Economy
Chapter 4 Presidents in War and Peace: Covering Military and Foreign Policy
Chapter 5 "Can't We Talk about Something Else?" Covering Presidential Scandals
Chapter 6 Competing Voices: Network Television versus Newspapers
Chapter 7 Presidential Coverage and the Challenges of a Changing Media

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