The Marxism of Che Guevara

The Marxism of Che Guevara
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Philosophy, Economics, Revolutionary Warfare
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Michael Löwy
Critical Currents in Latin American Perspective Series
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In this seminal exploration of Che Guevara's contributions to Marxist thinking, Michael Löwy traces Che's ideas about Marxism both as they related to Latin America and to more general philosophical, political, and economic issues. Now revised and updated, this edition includes a chapter on Guevara's search for a new paradigm of socialism and a substantive essay by Peter McLaren on Che's continued relevance today. This book eloquently captures his views on humanity, his contributions to the theory of revolutionary warfare, and his ideas about society's transition to socialism, offering a cohesive, nuanced introduction to the range of Guevara's thought.
In this seminal exploration of Che Guevara's contributions to Marxist thinking, Michael Löwy traces Che's ideas about Marxism both as they related to Latin America and to more general philosophical, political, and economic issues. Now revised and updated, this edition includes a chapter on Guevara's search for a new paradigm of socialism and a substantive essay by Peter McLaren on Che's continued relevance today. Löwy portrays Guevara as a revolutionary humanist who considered all political questions from an internationalist viewpoint. For him, revolutionary movements in Latin America were part of a world process of emancipation. Löwy considers especially Che's views on the contradiction between socialist planning and the law of value in the Cuban economy and his search for an alternative road to the "actually existing socialism" of the Stalinist and post-Stalinist Soviet bloc.

Che's varied occupations—doctor and economist, revolutionary and banker, agitator and ambassador, industrial organizer and guerrilla fighter—were expressions of a deep commitment to social change. This book eloquently captures his views on humanity, his contributions to the theory of revolutionary warfare, and his ideas about society's transition to socialism, offering a cohesive, nuanced introduction to the range of Guevara's thought.
Foreword: The Future of the Past
Introduction: Che's Theoretical Contribution
Part I: Che's Philosophy
Chapter 1: Che and Marxism
Chapter 2: The Revolution is Made by Men
Chapter 3: The New Man
Chapter 4: Humanist Values
Part II: Che's Economic Ideas
Chapter 5: Productive Forces and Production Relations
Chapter 6: The Law of Value and Socialist Planning
Chapter 7: The Budgetary System of Finance
Chapter 8: Material and Moral Incentives
Chapter 9: Voluntary Labor and Communism
Part III: Revolutionary Warfare
Chapter 10: Sociology of the Revolution
Chapter 11: Guerilla Warfare
Chapter 12: The General Strike
Chapter 13: The World Revolution
Conclusion: Guevarism Today
Appendix A: Che's Reading

Appendix B: "Neither Imitation nor Copy"—Che Guevara in Search of a New Socialism
Selected Bibliography

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