The Just War Myth

The Just War Myth
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The Moral Illusions of War
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Andrew Fiala
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As war continues to be a primary topic in public debate, Andrew Fiala inThe Just War Myth critically examines the concept of just war, arguing that actual wars never live up to the ideals of just war theory. The book provides a historical overview of the just war idea and also turns a critical eye on current events, including the idea of preemptive war, the use of torture, and the unreality of the Bush Doctrine.
As the war in Iraq continues and Americans debate the consequences of the war in Afghanistan, the war on terror, and the possibility of war with North Korea and Iran, war is one of the biggest issues in public debate. Andrew Fiala inThe Just War Myth challenges the apparently predominant American sentiment that war can be easily justified. Even most Democrats seem to hold that opinion, despite the horrific costs of war both on the people being attacked or caught up in the chaos and on the Americans involved in carrying out the war.

The Just War Myth argues that while the just war theory is a good theory, actual wars do not live up to its standards. The book provides a genealogy of the just war idea and also turns a critical eye on current events, including the idea of preemptive war, the use of torture, and the unreality of the Bush Doctrine. Fiala warns that pacifism, too, can become mythological, advocating skepticism about attempts to justify war.
Part 1 Part 1: The Just War Myth
Chapter 2 Introduction: The Just War Myth and the Politics of War
Chapter 3 The Myths and Memes of Political Life
Chapter 4 Genealogy of The Just War Tradition
Chapter 5 Duels and Modern Wars
Chapter 6 The Myth of American Exceptionalism
Part 7 Part 2: The Myths of the War on Terrorism
Chapter 8 The Preemptive War Doctrine
Chapter 9 Torture and Terrorism
Chapter 10 Humanitarian Intervention and the Crusade for Democracy
Chapter 11 Jus in Bello and the War in Iraq
Part 12 Part 3: Skeptical Democratic Pacifism
Chapter 13 The Myth of Pacifism
Chapter 14 Citizenship, Responsibility, and Peace

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