Species of Origins

Species of Origins
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America's Search for a Creation Story
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Karl W. Giberson
American Intellectual Culture
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Adobe DRM [Hard-DRM]

In Species of Origins, Karl W. Giberson and Donald A. Yerxa examine America's controversial conversation about creation and evolution. While noting that part of the discord stems from the growing cultural and religious diversity of the United States, they argue powerfully that the real issue is the headlong confrontation between two seemingly incompatible worldviews upon which millions of Americans rely: modern naturalistic science and traditional Judeo-Christian religions.
In Species of Origins, Karl W. Giberson and Donald A. Yerxa examine America's controversial conversation about creation and evolution. While noting that part of the discord stems from the growing cultural and religious diversity of the United States, they argue powerfully that the real issue is the headlong confrontation between two seemingly incompatible worldviews upon which millions of Americans rely: modern naturalistic science and traditional Judeo-Christian religions.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 The Modern Creation Story
Chapter 3 The Triumph of Evolution?
Chapter 4 Scientific Creationism: The Biblical Dimension
Chapter 5 Scientific Creationism: The Scientific Dimension
Chapter 6 Scientific Creationism: The Social Dimension
Chapter 7 The Council of Despair: Popular Science versus Traditional Religion
Chapter 8 Via Media Stances and the Complexity Paradigm: Historical Considerations
Chapter 9 The Muddle in the Middle: Via Media Positions on Origins
Chapter 10 Intelligent Design: A New Approach to the Origins Debate?
Chapter 11 The Reception of Intelligent Design
Chapter 12 Conclusion: The High Cost of Clarity
Chapter 13 A Concluding Unscientific Postscript
Chapter 14 Appendix: A Brief History of Design Arguments

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