Social Class and Stratification

Social Class and Stratification
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Classic Statements and Theoretical Debates
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Rhonda Levine
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Bringing together the classic statements on social stratification, this collection offers the most significant contributions to ongoing debates on the nature of race, class, and gender inequality.
The second edition of this strong collection brings together classical statements on social stratification with current and original scholarship, providing a foundation for theoretical debate on the nature of race, class, and gender inequality. Designed for students in courses on social stratification, inequality, and social theory, this new edition includes a revised and updated editor's introduction and conclusion, along with five new chapters on race and gender from distinguished scholars in the field.
Chapter 1 The Communist Manifesto
Chapter 2 On Classes
Chapter 3 Class, Status, Party
Chapter 4 What Social Class is in America
Chapter 5 Some Principles of Stratification
Chapter 6 Some Principles of Stratification: A Critical Analysis
Chapter 7 Marxism and Class Theory: A Bourgeois Critique
Chapter 8 Class Analysis
Chapter 9 Women and Stratification: A Case of Intellectual Sexism
Chapter 10 Capitalism, Patriarchy, and the Subordination of Women
Chapter 11 Theorizing Difference From Multiracial Feminism
Chapter 12 Double-Consciousness and the Veil
Chapter 13 Race and Class
Chapter 14 The Declining Significance of Race: From Racial Oppression to Economic Class Subordination
Chapter 16 Racial Formation
Chapter 17 Toward a New Vision: Race, Class, and Gender as Categories of Analysis

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