Schooling the Symbolic Animal

Schooling the Symbolic Animal
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Social and Cultural Dimensions of Education
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Bradley A. U. Levinson
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This anthology introduces some of the most influential literature shaping our understanding of the social and cultural foundations of education today. Together the selections provide students a range of approaches for interpreting and designing educational experiences worthy of the multicultural societies of our present and future.
This anthology introduces some of the most influential literature shaping our understanding of the social and cultural foundations of education today. Together the selections provide students a range of approaches for interpreting and designing educational experiences worthy of the multicultural societies of our present and future. The reprinted selections are contextualized in new interpretive essays written specifically for this volume.
Chapter 1 Acknowledgements
Chapter 2 Introduction
Part 3 The Symbolic Animal: Foundations of Cultural Transmission and Acquisition
Chapter 4 The Impact of the Concept of Culture on the Concept of Man
Chapter 5 Culture is Ordinary
Chapter 6 The Education of the Samoan Child
Chapter 7 Stalking Stories
Chapter 8 Education and the Human Condition
Chapter 9 The Nature of Education
Chapter 10 Why Do Frenchmen?
Chapter 11 Becoming a Marihuana User
Part 12 Culture, Modernization, and Formal Education
Chapter 13 The Shaping of Men's Minds: Adaptations to Imperatives of Culture
Chapter 14 Formal Schooling and the Production of Modern Citizens in the Ecuadorian Amazon
Chapter 15 Transmitting Traditional Values in New Schools: Elementary Education of Pulap Atoll
Chapter 16 The Cultural Transformation of Western Education in Sierra Leone
Part 17 School Practice and Community Life: Cultural Congruence, Conflict, and Discontinuity
Chapter 18 What No Bedtime Story Means: Narrative Skills at Home and School
Chapter 19 Understanding Cultural Diversity and Learning
Chapter 20 Formation and Transformation of Funds of Knowledge Among US-Mexican Households
Chapter 21 Habitus and Cultural Identity: Home/School Relationships in Rural France
Part 22 Cultural Production and Reproduction in Contemporary Schools
Chapter 23 Ability Grouping as a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: A Microanalysis of Teacher-Student Interaction
Chapter 24 Beneath the Skin and Between the Ears: A Case Study in the Politics of Representation
Chapter 25 Moments of Discontent: University Women and the Gender Status Quo
Chapter 26 Class and Gender Dynamics in a Ruling Class School
Part 27 New Directions and Approaches to Culture, Learning, and Education
Chapter 28 Those Loud Black Girls: (Black) Women, Silence, and Gender Passing in the Academy
Chapter 29 Tying Things Together (and Stretching Them Out) With Popular Culture
Chapter 30 Fieldwork in the Postcommunity
Chapter 31 The Fax, the Jazz Player, and the Self-History Teller: HowDo People Organize Culture?
Chapter 32 Afterword: Implications for Policy and Practice

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