Revolution and Revolutionaries

Revolution and Revolutionaries
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Guerrilla Movements in Latin America
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Daniel Castro
Jaguar Books on Latin America
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Few publications cover the full span of the history of revolutionary movements in Latin America. InRevolution and Revolutionaries, editor Daniel Castro examines all aspects of guerrilla warfare-from revolutionary programs to the repressive tactics used by various governments to rid themselves of the threats presented by revolutionary movements. In addition to illustrating specific cases of guerrilla strugglesRevolution and Revolutionaries also analyzes the political and social conditions that made the outbreak of revolutionary movements throughout the region unavoidable. Finally, Castro examines the remaining guerrilla movements still active in Latin America as the century comes to a close.Revolution and Revolutionaries revives the debate about the viability of revolutionary violence in Latin America, and will interest those studying Latin American history and sociology, and political science.

Few publications cover the full span of the history of revolutionary movements in Latin America. InRevolution and Revolutionaries, editor Daniel Castro examines all aspects of guerrilla warfare-from revolutionary programs to the repressive tactics used by various governments to rid themselves of the threats presented by revolutionary movements. In addition to illustrating specific cases of guerrilla strugglesRevolution and Revolutionaries also analyzes the political and social conditions that made the outbreak of revolutionary movements throughout the region unavoidable. Finally, Castro examines the remaining guerrilla movements still active in Latin America as the century comes to a close.Revolution and Revolutionaries revives the debate about the viability of revolutionary violence in Latin America, and will interest those studying Latin American history and sociology, and political science.

Chapter 1 Introduction-The Interminable War: Guerrillas in Latin American History
Chapter 2 The Rebellion of Tupac Amaru
Chapter 3 The Caste War: Rural Insurgency in 19th-Century Yucatán
Chapter 4 The Struggle of the Zapatistas
Chapter 5 The Kid from Niquinohomo
Chapter 6 General Principles of Guerrilla Warfare
Chapter 7 To Free the Present from the Past
Chapter 8 The Fall of Arbenz and the Origins of the Guerrillas
Chapter 9 Guerrilla Priests
Chapter 10 The Revolutionary Path
Chapter 11 Some Final Notes [on a Guerrilla Experience]
Chapter 12 Defeat in Bolivia
Chapter 13 Problems and Principles of Strategy
Chapter 14 Thirty Questions to a Tupamaro
Chapter 15 Questions to a Militant of the PRT-ERP
Chapter 16 In the Shining Path of Mariátegui, Mao Zedong or Presidente Gonzalo? Peru's Sendero Luminoso in Historical Perspective
Chapter 17 The Iron Legions
Chapter 18 Tunnel to Canto Grande
Chapter 19 Sources and Resources of Zapatism
Chapter 20 End of an Era
Chapter 21 Postscript
Chapter 22 Suggested Readings and Films

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