Stop High-Stakes Testing

Stop High-Stakes Testing
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An Appeal to America's Conscience
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Dale Johnson
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Stop High-Stakes Testing: An Appeal to America's Conscience is a compelling indictment of the use of high-stakes assessments with punitive consequences in our public schools. The authors trace the history of the policy and document the inequities for children of poverty that undergird high-stakes testing practices. Lack of dental and medical care, environmental violence, insufficient school funding, racism, and classism_all factors that contribute to this dire situation_are discussed in depth. The authors make a convincing case for discontinuing the unjust testing that has been forced on our nation's public school children.
Stop High-Stakes Testing: An Appeal to America's Conscience is a compelling indictment of the use of high-stakes assessments with punitive consequences in our public schools. The authors trace the history of the policy and document the inequities for children of poverty that undergird high-stakes testing practices. Lack of dental and medical care, environmental violence, insufficient school funding, racism, and classism_all factors that contribute to this dire situation_are discussed in depth. The authors make a convincing case for discontinuing the unjust testing that has been forced on our nation's public school children.
Part 1 Foreword by Delores Malcolm
Chapter 2 High-stakes Testing: A Brief History
Chapter 3 Chronic Racism
Chapter 4 Health Issues
Chapter 5 Violence and Safety Concerns in the Community, the School, and the Home
Chapter 6 School Funding Inequities
Chapter 7 The Tutoring Industry
Chapter 8 Life Experiences

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