Once Upon a Campus

Once Upon a Campus
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Lessons for Improving Quality and Productivity in Higher Education
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Daniel Seymour
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The unique and controversial companion volume to Daniel Seymour's On Q places Seymour's ideas and theories within the context of a call to action. In a series of realistic case-study lessons, he reveals how colleges and universities can dramatically improve their performance by drawing upon the concepts found in systems theory, quality management, and studies of organizational behavior.
The unique and controversial companion volume to Daniel Seymour's On Q places Seymour's ideas and theories within the context of a call to action. In a series of realistic case-study lessons, he reveals how colleges and universities can dramatically improve their performance by drawing upon the concepts found in systems theory, quality management, and studies of organizational behavior. Seymour's goal is to overcome the current reactive mind-set and replace it with a proactive education environment where student success is the main objective. Once Upon a Campus can be put to use as an audit tool, as a guide for readers to identify problem areas in their institutions, and as a planning resource in evaluating and implementing overall performance improvement.
Chapter 1 Direction Setting
Chapter 2 Begin With The End In Mind
Chapter 3 Left to Our Own Devices, We Pay Too Much Attention to Things of Little Importance to the Customer
Chapter 4 Process Design and Management
Chapter 5 Waste is the Unintended Consequences of Unattended Work Processes
Chapter 6 The Capacity of a System is Limited by its Bottlenecks
Chapter 7 An Organization is a Relay Team; the Better the Handoffs, the Better the Results
Chapter 8 In the Absence of a Search for the Unnecessary, Complexity Out Simplicity
Chapter 9 Feedback
Chapter 10 Measurement Without Feedback is Just Data; Feedback without Measurement is Just Opinion
Chapter 11 Enablers
Chapter 12 Followers, Not Leaders, Are the Best Judges of Hypocrisy
Chapter 13 To Create the Future, Challenge the Past
Chapter 14 Exceptional Solutions to Universal Problems Create Universal Problems

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