Integrating Ecofeminism, Globalization, and World Religions

Integrating Ecofeminism, Globalization, and World Religions
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Rosemary Radford Ruether
Nature's Meaning
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This book addresses the practical relevance of the interconnection of feminism, ecology, and religious theological thought, and asks questions about the lack of attention to gender issues in both ecological theology and deglobalization theory. The book looks at issues of globalization, interfaith ecological theology, ecofeminism, and deglobalization movements comparatively across different world religions and across geographical regions.
Integrating Ecofeminism, Globalization, and World Religions addresses the practical relevance of the interconnection of feminism, ecology, and religious theological thought, and will ask questions about the lack of attention to gender issues in both ecological theology and deglobalization theory. The book knits together four concerns: globalization, interfaith ecological theology, ecofeminism, and deglobalization movements and thought. It examines how gender needs to be connected with inter-faith ecological theology and with critical analysis of globalization. It asks how to connect theory and practice; and how theoretical views about a more earth friendly theology have actual relevance to the deglobalization struggle. The book looks at these issues comparatively across different world religions and across different regions of the earth.
Chapter 1 Corporate Globalization and the Deepening of Earth's Impoverishment
Chapter 2 The Greening of World Religions
Chapter 3 Ecofeminist Thea/ologies and Ethics
Chapter 4 Alternatives to Corporate Globalization: Is a Different World Possible?

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