Islamic Extremism

Islamic Extremism
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Causes, Diversity, and Challenges
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Monte Palmer
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This accessible and deeply informed book examines the threat that Islamic extremists pose to America and provides a balanced discussion of the link between Iraq and the war on terror. Explaining the basics of Islam and guiding the reader through the intricacies of each significant fundamentalist group, the Palmers answer key questions: Who are the Muslim extremists and how do they fit within the broader context of the Islamic religion? What is their war plan and how do they operate? Who are their allies and what are their weaknesses? What is the experience of Israel, the Islamic world, and the United States in fighting extremists? How can they be defeated? Now in a thoroughly revised and updated edition, the book includes new chapters on Hamas, the Iraqi clones of Hizbullah—including Sadr—and the Islamic government in Turkey.
This accessible and deeply informed book examines the threat that Islamic extremists pose to America and provides a balanced and nuanced discussion of the link between Iraq and the war on terror. Explaining the basics of Islam and guiding the reader through the intricacies of each significant fundamentalist group, the Palmers answer key questions: Who are the Muslim extremists and how do they fit within the broader context of the Islamic religion? What is their war plan and how do they operate? Who are their allies and what are their weaknesses? What is the experience of Israel, the Islamic world, and the United States in fighting Muslim extremists? How can they be defeated? The book includes detailed analyses of Hizbullah and the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, the Iraqi clones of Hizbullah, and the Islamic government in Turkey.
Chapter 1: America's Struggle against Terror: Who is the Enemy?
Chapter 2: Islam, Muslim Extremism, and Anti-Americanism
Chapter 3: The Muslim Brotherhood and the Origin of the Radical-Moderates
Chapter 4: Hamas: The Ascendance of Religious Extremism in the Arab Israeli Conflict
Chapter 5: Hizbullah: A Tale of Three Countries
Chapter 6: Iraqi Hizbullah
Chapter 7: Turkey: A Model for Democratic Islamic Rule?
Chapter 8: The Jihadist Movement and How it Evolved
Chapter 9: The Jihadist War Plan
Chapter 10: The Jihadist War Machine
Chapter 11: The Allies of the Jihadists: Those Who Make Terror Possible
Chapter 12: The Israeli Struggle against Terror and Islamic Extremism: A Guide for the United States
Chapter 13: How America's Allies in the Islamic World Fight Terror
Chapter 14: America, Islamic Extremism and Jihadist Terror

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