Angina Pectoris with Normal Coronary Arteries: Syndrome X

Angina Pectoris with Normal Coronary Arteries: Syndrome X
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Juan Carlos Kaski
Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine
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Angina pectoris with normal coronary arteriograms is a common entity which has puzzled cardiologists almost since the advent of coronary arteriography. Despite major advances in the understanding of the pathophysiology of angina in recent years and a multitude of studies on the subject, the cause and mechanisms underlying the syndrome of angina with normal coronary arteries remain unknown. Indeed, results of investigations are controversial and speculation still prevails regarding the nature of the so called `Syndrome X'. Almost every important aspect of Syndrome X has been tackled in the book and the reader is exposed not only to the cardiologists' opinion, but also to the authoritative views of the gastroenterologists, gynaecologists and psychiatrists, extremely well represented in this monograph. The book deals with `cardiologists' Syndrome X' and not the metabolic entity termed `Syndrome X'. The possible connection between the two, however, is discussed. Angina with Normal Coronary Arteries: Syndrome X contributes to the understanding of Syndrome X and helps clinicians manage their Syndrome X-patients better and investigators to open new avenues for research.
Angina pectoris with normal coronary arteriograms is a common entity which has puzzled cardiologists almost since the advent of coronary arteriography. Despite major advances in the understanding of the pathophysiology of angina in recent years and a multitude of studies on the subject, the cause and mechanisms underlying the syndrome of angina with normal coronary arteries remain unknown. Indeed, results of investigations are controversial and speculation still prevails regarding the nature of the so called `Syndrome X'. Almost every important aspect of Syndrome X has been tackled in the book and the reader is exposed not only to the cardiologists' opinion, but also to the authoritative views of the gastroenterologists, gynaecologists and psychiatrists, extremely well represented in this monograph. The book deals with `cardiologists' Syndrome X' and not the metabolic entity termed `Syndrome X'. The possible connection between the two, however, is discussed. Angina with Normal Coronary Arteries: Syndrome X contributes to the understanding of Syndrome X and helps clinicians manage their Syndrome X-patients better and investigators to open new avenues for research.

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