Biology of Root Formation and Development

Biology of Root Formation and Development
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Yoav Waisel
681 g
244x170x22 mm
65, Basic Life Sciences

This book contains the majority of the presentations of the Second International Symposium on the Biology of Root Formation and Development that was hcld in Jerusa lem, Israel, June 23---28, 1996. Following the First Symposium on the Biology of Adventi tious Root Formation, held in Dallas. USA, 1993, we perceived the need to include all kinds of roots, not only the shoot-borne ones. The endogenous signals that control root formation. and the subsequent growth and development processes, are very much alike, re gardless of the sites and sources of origin of the roots. Therefore, we included in the Sec ond Symposium contributions on both shoot-borne (i.e., adventitious) roots and root-borne (i.e., lateral) roots. Plant roots have remained an exciting and an intriguing field of sciencc. During thc years that followed the first symposium, an exceptional proliferation of interest in root biology has developed, associated with the intensive research activity in this field and the contemporary developments in the understanding of root function and development. New methods have been applied, and old ideas and interprctations werc rccxamined. Alto gether, it became necessary to update our viewpoints and to expand them.
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium held in Jerusalem, Israel, June 23-28, 1996
Springer Book Archives
Section 1: Diversity of Roots.- Short Papers.- Section 2: Induction of Roots and Their Development.- Short Papers.- Section 3 : Hormonal Control of Root Induction and Development.- Short Papers.- Section 4: Molecular Biology of Root Development.- Short Papers.- Section 5: Ecological Aspects of Root Development.- Short Papers.- Section 6: Applied Aspects of Root Development.- Short Papers.- Section 7: Root Products.- Short Paper.- Section 8: Models and Methods for Root Study.- Short Papers.- Section 9: Concluding Remarks.

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