Education, Extremism and Terrorism

Education, Extremism and Terrorism
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Dr Dianne Gereluk
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The terrorist attacks in the USA and UK on 9/11 and 7/7, and subsequent media coverage, have resulted in a heightened awareness of extremists and terrorists.

Should educators be exploring terrorism and extremism within their classrooms? If so, what should they be teaching, and how?

Dianne Gereluk draws together the diverging opinions surrounding these debates, exploring and critiquing the justifications used for why these issues should be addressed in schools. She goes on to consider the ways in which educators should teach these topics, providing practical suggestions.

Education, Extremism and Terrorism is essential reading for undergraduate and postgraduate education students looking to engage with the philosophical, sociological and political issues that are central to this debate.
The terrorist attacks in the USA and UK on 9/11 and 7/7, and subsequent media coverage, have resulted in a heightened awareness of extremists and terrorists.

Should educators be exploring terrorism and extremism within their classrooms? If so, what should they be teaching, and how?

Dianne Gereluk draws together the diverging opinions surrounding these debates, exploring and critiquing the justifications used for why these issues should be addressed in schools. She goes on to consider the ways in which educators should teach these topics, providing practical suggestions.

Education, Extremism and Terrorism is essential reading for undergraduate and postgraduate education students looking to engage with the philosophical, sociological and political issues that are central to this debate.

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