Poverty and Health

Poverty and Health
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A Crisis among America's Most Vulnerable [2 volumes]
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Fitzpatrick Kevin Michael Fitzpatrick
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A collection of in-depth essays focused on the health issues facing the poorest populations in the United States as it relates to the common good of all Americans.Despite living in one of the wealthiest countries in the world, far too many low-income and no-income men, women, and children in this nation are without health insurance or health care. More than half of those financially bereft have a serious health problem, with poor children three to five times more likely to experience chronic health issues than their more affluent peers. This set is a compilation of writings that address the complex problem of poverty and health across location and population. Through two informative volumes, the authors examine key issues including health care delivery, access, and disparities among various disenfranchised populations. Leading experts explore the reciprocal relationship between economic disadvantage and poor health, and ponder potential solutions to cope with these challenges.
A collection of in-depth essays focused on the health issues facing the poorest populations in the United States as it relates to the common good of all Americans.Despite living in one of the wealthiest countries in the world, far too many low-income and no-income men, women, and children in this nation are without health insurance or health care. More than half of those financially bereft have a serious health problem, with poor children three to five times more likely to experience chronic health issues than their more affluent peers. This set is a compilation of writings that address the complex problem of poverty and health across location and population. Through two informative volumes, the authors examine key issues including health care delivery, access, and disparities among various disenfranchised populations. Leading experts explore the reciprocal relationship between economic disadvantage and poor health, and ponder potential solutions to cope with these challenges.

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