The Romantic Revolution in America

The Romantic Revolution in America
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1800-1860: Main Currents in American Thought
Besorgungstitel - wird vorgemerkt | Lieferzeit: Besorgungstitel - Lieferbar innerhalb von 10 Werktagen I

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Vernon Parrington
712 g
229x152x28 mm

Michael Young
The development of literature between 1800 and 1860 in the United States was heavily influenced by two wars
Book One: The Mind of the South; One: The Virginia Renaissance; I: The Old Dominion; II: The Heritage Of Jeffersonianism; III: John Marshall; IV: The Older Plantation Mind; V: Adventures in Romance; Two: The Renaissance Of Slavery; I: Southern Imperialism; II: Winds of Political Doctrine; III: The Dream of a Greek Democracy; IV: Adventures in Belles Lettres; Three: The Romance of the West; I: New Worlds; II: Two Spokesmen of the West; III: The Frontier In Letters; Book Two: The Mind of the Middle East; I: The Old Capital; II: The New Capital; III: Two Knickerbocker Romantics; IV: James Fenimore Cooper; V: Some Contributions of New England; Book Three: The Mind of New England; One: The Twilight of Federalism; I: The Passing of The Tie-Wig School; II: Winds of Political Doctrine; Two: The Rise of Liberalism; I: The Renaissance; II: Liberalism and Calvinism; III: Liberalism and the Social Conscience; IV: 4Certain Militants; Three: The Transcendental Mind; I: The Genesis Of Transcendentalism; II: Ralph Waldo Emerson; III: Henry Thoreau; IV: Theodore Parker; V: Margaret Fuller; Four: Other Aspects of the New England Mind; I: The Reign of the Genteel; II: 2Nathaniel Hawthorne; III: The Authentic Brahmin

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