How Monsters Wish to Feel

How Monsters Wish to Feel
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A Story about Emotional Resilience
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Juliette Ttofa
Nurturing Emotional Resilience Storybooks
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How Monsters Wish to Feel is a therapeutic story about a journey to develop emotional resilience. Using the analogy of the Japanese art of Kintsugi, whereby broken pottery is restored to wholeness with a golden lacquer, the story alludes to the importance of focusing on the strengths and protective factors in a child's life, rather than the problems and risks, in order to promote emotional resilience. It depicts a tale of how a child's needs can sometimes become distorted, so that the needs we see expressed through outward behaviour (the monster) mask the true, hidden emotional needs that go unmet. The story also alludes to the importance of focusing on the strengths and protective factors in a child's life, rather than the problems and risks, in order to promote emotional resilience.This beautifully illustrated storybook will appeal to all children, and can be used by practitioners, educators and parents as a tool to discuss emotional resilience with children.This story can be purchased alongside six other storybooks as part of a set (ISBN: 9781138556478), as well as in a set alongside the guidebook Nurturing Emotional Resilience in Vulnerable Children and Young People and six other storybooks (9781138556454). The guidebook outlines ways to use these beautifully told and visually appealing stories to nurture emotional resilience with children and will be invaluable tools for anyone working to build emotional resilience with children and young people.
How Monsters Wish to Feel is a therapeutic story about a journey to develop emotional resilience. Using the analogy of the Japanese art of Kintsugi, whereby broken pottery is restored to wholeness with a golden lacquer, the story alludes to the importance of focusing on the strengths and protective factors in a child's life, rather than the problems and risks, in order to promote emotional resilience. It depicts a tale of how a child's needs can sometimes become distorted, so that the needs we see expressed through outward behaviour (the monster) mask the true, hidden emotional needs that go unmet. The story also alludes to the importance of focusing on the strengths and protective factors in a child's life, rather than the problems and risks, in order to promote emotional resilience.This beautifully illustrated storybook will appeal to all children, and can be used by practitioners, educators and parents as a tool to discuss emotional resilience with children.This story can be purchased alongside six other storybooks as part of a set (ISBN: 9781138556478), as well as in a set alongside the guidebook Nurturing Emotional Resilience in Vulnerable Children and Young People and six other storybooks (9781138556454). The guidebook outlines ways to use these beautifully told and visually appealing stories to nurture emotional resilience with children and will be invaluable tools for anyone working to build emotional resilience with children and young people.

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