New Directions in the Russellian Theory of Time

New Directions in the Russellian Theory of Time
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Metaphysical and Ontological Issues
Vorbestellbar | Lieferzeit: Vorbestellbar - Erscheint laut Verlag im/am 26.12.2024. I

Erstverkaufstag: 26.12.2024

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Emiliano Boccardi
454 g
234x156x25 mm

Emiliano Boccardi is Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil.L. Nathan Oaklander is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Michigan-Flint, USA.Erwin Tegtmeier is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Mannheim, Germany.
The main debates in the philosophy of time have centred on whether A-theory, with events ordered by pastness, presentness and futurity, or B-theory, ordered by earlier than or later than, are equally fundamental. Emiliano Boccardi, L. Nathan Oaklander and Erwin Tegtmeier instead uphold the Russellian theory, or R-theory, and consider not only the fundamental differences but also its superiority. They argue McTaggart's misinterpretation of Russell has led to a false dichotomy between the A- and B-theories, while exploring the connection between temporal relations, temporal facts and time.In defence of the R-theory, they argue how it offers a metaphysical explanation of the nature of time, in addition to investigating whether ontological theories of time can be considered from a moral or existential point of view. Using an ontological approach, this volume clarifies what is mistaken about both theories can only be resolved by adopting a Russellian philosophy, reaching beyond the A-theory vs B-theory debate.
PrefaceIntroductionPart I What is the R-theory?1. On the Difference between Temporal Ontology and the Ontology of Time. - E. Boccardi and L. N. Oaklander2. Does Analytic Philosophy Rest on a Mistake? - L. N. Oaklander3. The Senseless Direction of Time: The Ontology of Temporal Relations. - E. Boccardi4. A Russellian Ontology of Time - E. Tegtmeier5. McTaggart's Error: Temporal Change - E. Tegtmeier6. Three Flawed Distinctions in the Philosophy of Time - E. TegtmeierPart II A Defense of the R-theory7. The Intelligibility of the R-theory - L. N. Oaklander8. The Mind-Independence of Passage - L. N. Oaklander9. Be Careful What You Wish For: A Reply to Craig - L. N. Oaklander10. An R-theoretic Critique of (Moderate) Presentism - L. N. Oaklander11. The Alleged Moral Desirability of Presentism? - L. N. OaklanderConclusionAppendix: On the Experience of Time B. Russell

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