Legal Update for Construction Law for Design Professionals, Construction Managers and Contractors, Loose-Leaf Version

Legal Update for Construction Law for Design Professionals, Construction Managers and Contractors, Loose-Leaf Version
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Justin Sweet

Justin Sweet is the John H. Boalt Professor of Law, Emeritus at the University of California at Berkeley. Born and raised in Wisconsin, he attended the University of Wisconsin, where he received a B.A., phi beta kappa, in literature in 1951 and an LL.B. in 1953. He was note editor for the "Law Review" and Order of the Coif. After serving on the staff of the attorney general of Wisconsin, he was in the Judge-Advocate General's Corps and later practiced in Milwaukee. He joined the Boalt faculty in 1958, where he taught Contracts, Construction Law, and Insurance until the early 1990s. Sweet was a visiting professor at the University of Rome (as a Fulbright Lecturer), Hebrew University, University of Leuven in Belgium, Osgoode Hall in Canada, Tel-Aviv University, and the University of Fribourg. He has written articles in many legal journals, many of which were collected in Sweet, Anthology of Construction Law Writings by the American Bar Association in 2010. He also wrote Sweet on Construction Law for the American Bar Association in 1997. Beginning in 2010, he has been writing on historic cases in each issue of the Journal of Legal Affairs & Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction. He was the co-founder and director of the International Construction Conference. It met in Fribourg, Switzerland, Berkeley, California and Washington D.C.
This new supplement provides updated information regarding relevant industry associations, regulations, and codes of ethics.

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