Multinational Colleges and Universities

Multinational Colleges and Universities
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Leading, Governing, and Managing International Branch Campuses: New Directions for Higher Education, Number 155
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Jason E. Lane
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Dedicated to the hundreds of practitioners who work atinternational branch campuses (IBCs), this volume examines theunique challenges ICB professionals face in the leading edge ofdevelopment in the global higher education sector and how they areunlike those confronted by their colleagues on the home campus.The volume is designed to provide readers with an overview ofthe IBC phenomenon, as well as provide practical insights fromthose directly involved in the development of multinationalcolleges and universities. Editors Jason E. Lane and Kevin Kinserof the Institute for Global Education Policy Studies at StateUniversity of New York, and begin with an overview of thedevelopment of IBCs. The first chapter, by Jason Lane, traces thehistory of such institutions and discusses various intentionsbehind their creation and the roles they play in the hostcountry.The next two chapters deal specifically with issues pertainingto faculty and students. The second chapter focuses on strategiesfor managing and leading academic staff spread across multiplecountries.The third chapter looks at the challenges of replicatingthe student collegiate experience that exists on the homecampus.Subsequent contributing chapters discuss the increasing interestamong developing nations to create a community college systemsimilar to that in the United States as well as the globalregulatory, legal, and policy environments.At the end of the volume, readers will find an extensiveannotated bibliography of nearly a hundred scholarly and policywritings that deal directly with international branch campuses.This bibliography is divided into several sections to help readersnavigate the extensive listing. The sections include: General, ArabGulf, Asia, Development Perspective, Management, Quality, Students,Teaching and Learning, and Trade and Regulation. Each reading islisted only once, though many could be classified under multiplesections.This is the 155th volume of the Jossey-Bass quarterly reportseries New Directions for Higher Education. It aroseout of the long-standing interest of the volume?s editors inunderstanding the emergence of multinational educationalinstitutions.These interests fostered the development of theCross-Border Education Research Team (C-BERT), which provided thescholarly foundation for this volume.
EDITORS'NOTES 1Jason E. Lane, Kevin Kinser1. Global Expansion of International Branch Campuses:Managerial and Leadership Challenges 5Jason E. LaneThis chapter outlines the growth of IBCs over the past fiftyyears and discusses some of the major management and leadershipchallenges associated with creating and sustaining IBCs.2. Strategies for Managing and Leading an Academic Staff inMultiple Countries 19Rebecca HughesFaculty are a critical component to the success of the academicbranch campus. In an environment where academic quality isconstantly in question, the management and leadership of theacademic staff are important, particularly when that staff isspread across multiple geographic locations.3. Institutional Ethos: Replicating the Student Experience29Cynthia Howman WoodA common criticism of IBCs is that they cannot recreate thestudent culture of the home campus. While this is true, some IBCshave gone to great lengths to not only create a comparable culturefor their students, but also to integrate their students into theculture of the home campus.4. Identifying Fit of Mission and Environment: Applying theAmerican Community College Model Internationally 41Mary S. Spangler, Arthur Q. Tyler Jr.This chapter discusses the exporting of the American communitycollege model and the importance of identifying a good "fit" withlocal partners.5. Multinational Quality Assurance 53Kevin KinserThis chapter highlights the dilemmas facing traditional modelsof quality assurance in a global environment where higher educationinstitutions can and do cross geopolitical borders.6. Operational Considerations for Opening a Branch CampusAbroad 65Lawrence M. Harding, Robert W. LammeyThis chapter provides specific advice for how IBCs cannegotiate entry into a foreign legal environment and operatesupport systems that can coordinate the management operations onmultiple campuses.7. The Cross-Border Education Policy Context: EducationalHubs, Trade Liberalization, and National Sovereignty 79Jason E. Lane, Kevin KinserPolicies for importing and exporting international branchcampuses are increasingly being formalized, with a number ofcountries explicitly encouraging educational trade as an economicdevelopment goal.8. Selected Resources and Bibliography 87Cross-Border Education Research Team (C-BERT)This chapter provides an annotated bibliography of resourcespertaining to IBCs.INDEX 109

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