Afrocentric Visions

Afrocentric Visions
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Studies in Culture and Communication
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Janice D. Hamlet
413 g
229x152x15 mm

In this timely volume, editor Janice D Hamlet has chosen essays which illuminate various aspects of African American culture, refracted through the lens of Afrocentric thought. The book examines: Afrocentric ideology and methodology; Afrocentric approaches to the dynamics of communication; the Afrocentric influence on the black aesthetic, with an examination of language, literature, oral tradition, movies and television; and the future of Afrocentric visions.
Foreword - Molefi Kete AsantePART ONE: THE AFROCENTRIC PERSPECTIVE: IDEOLOGY AND METHODThe Deep Structure of Culture - Linda James Myers Relevance of Traditional African Culture in Contemporary LifeA Philosophical Basis for an Afrocentric Orientation - Norman HarrisAfrocentrism and the Afrocentric Method - Terry KershawPART TWO: AFROCENTRIC APPROACHES TO UNDERSTANDING INTERPERSONAL, GROUP AND PUBLIC COMMUNICATION DYNAMICSAfrocentric Cultural Consciousness and African American Male-Female Relationships - Yvonne Bell, Cathy Bouie and Joseph BaldwinRethinking Organizations from an Afrocentric Viewpoint - Jerome SchieleUnderstanding African American Oratory - Janice D Hamlet Manifestations of NommoCulture, Communication and Afrocentrism - John W Smith Some Rhetorical Implications of a New World OrderPART THREE: AFROCENTRICITY AND THE BLACK AESTHETICThe African-American Legacy in American Literature - Abu AbarryThe Way We Do - Gale Jackson A Preliminary Investigation of the African Roots of African American PerformanceAfrocentric Heroes in Theatre - Barbara J Molette and Carlton W MoletteRepresenting African American Women in Hollywood Movies - Patricia Hilliard-Nunn An African-Conscious AnalysisAfrican Americans in Television - Alice A Tait and Robert L Perry An Afrocentric AnalysisPART FOUR: WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? CHALLENGES AND IMPLICATIONS OF THE AFROCENTRIC PERSPECTIVEThe Functional Implications of Afrocentrism - Victor O OkaforCommunication and Development - Peter O Nwoso, Donald S Taylor and Cecil A Blake Imperatives for an Afrocentric MethodologyAfrocentricity - Näim Akbar The Challenge of Implementation

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