Animal Reiki

Animal Reiki
How to use energy to heal the animals in your life
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19,50 €*

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Elizabeth Fulton
286 g
221x136x20 mm

Elizabeth Fulton is an animal communicator, author and Reiki Master. She consults to various zoos, sanctuaries and wildlife organisations.Kathleen Prasad combines her teaching background with her Reiki skills, teaching Reiki to many different organisations including Guide Dogs for the Blind. She also co-authored the first code of ethics for professionals using Reiki on animals.

Reiki is particularly effective in healing animals but there is very little specific information currently available. Whether you are a newcomer to the field of energy medicine, an experienced practitioner or an animal lover committed to learning everything you can about your companion's health, ANIMAL REIKI will open your eyes to a new level of healing and wellbeing. Discover how Reiki can: help maintain your animal's health on all levels; heal physical illness and injury; aid in emotional healing following trauma, abuse or neglect; accelerate healing after surgey; and provide comfort and support for dying animals.
From dogs and cats to horses and birds, this book is everything you need to understand and appreciate the power of Reiki to heal and deepen the bond with the animals in your life.
The book contains helpful black and white photos showing the hand positions for healing.

The only practical guide currently available on using reiki to treat animals. Clearly set out, with photographs, this book is for reiki practitioners who want to work with animals as well as for people wanting to treat their own pets.

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