Digital Media Strategies of the Far Right in Europe and the United States

Digital Media Strategies of the Far Right in Europe and the United States
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Patricia Anne Simpson
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Digital Media Strategies of the Far Right in Europe and the United States compiles a variety of perspectives on the ways right-wing activists and extremists are using popular media to advance their political—sometimes violent—agendas.
With the leverage of digital reproducibility, historical messages of hate are finding new recipients with breathtaking speed and scope. The rapid growth in popularity of right-wing extremist groups in response to transnational economic crises underscores the importance of examining in detail the language and political mobilization strategies of the New Right. In Europe, for example, populist right-wing activists organized around an anti-immigration agenda are becoming more vocal, providing pushback against the increase in migration flows from North Africa and Eastern Europe and countering support for integration with a categorical rejection of multiculturalism. In the United States, anti-immigration sentiment provides a rallying point for political and personal agendas that connect the rhetoric of borders with national, racial, and security issues.

Digital Media Strategies of the Far Right in Europe and the United States is an effort to examine and understand these issues, informed by the conviction that an interdisciplinary and transnational approach can allow productive comparison of far-right propaganda strategies in Europe and the United States. With a special emphasis on performing ideology in the far-right music scene, on violent anti-immigrant stances, and on the far right’s skillful creation and manipulation of virtual communities, the contributions foreground the cultural shibboleths that are exchanged among far-right supporters on the Internet, which serve to generate a sense of group belonging and the illusion of power far greater than the known numbers of neo-Nazis in any one country might suggest. Moreover, with attention to transatlantic right-wing movements and their use of particularly digital media, the essays in this volume put pressure on the similarities among the various national agents, while accommodating differences in the virtual and sometimes violent identities created and nurtured online.

Table of Contents
Introduction: Digital Media Strategies of the Far Right in Europe and the United States
Patricia Anne Simpson and Helga Druxes

I. Extremisms and the Internet
Swastikas in Cyberspace: How Hate Went Online
Chip Berlet and Carol Mason

The Lone Wolf Comes From Somewhere, TooØyvind Strømmen and Kjetil Stormark
Mobilizing on the Fringe: Domestic Extremists and Antisocial Networking
Kyle Christensen, Arian Spahiu, Bret Wilson, and Robert D. Duval
Hijacking Academic Autonomy: Neo-Aryanism and Internet Expertise
Alexandar Mihailovic

II. Far-Right Politics and Internet Identities
Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty: The Transnational Linkages of Radical Nationalist Political Parties in the European Union
Glen M. E. Duerr
Manipulating the Media: The German New Right’s Virtual and Violent Identities
Helga Druxes
The Imitated Public Sphere: The Case of Hungary’s Far Right
Domonkos Sik
Right-Wing Campaign Strategies in Sweden
Lara Mazurski
The Identitarian Movement: What Kind of Identity? Is it Really a Movement?
Fabian Virchow

III. Homophobia, Race, and Radicalism
Singing for Race and Nation: Fascism and Racism in Greek Youth Music
Alexandra Koronaiou, Evangelos Lagos, and Alexandros Sakellariou
“The Order of the Vanquished Dragon”: The Performance of Archaistic Homophobia by the Union of Orthodox Banner Bearers in Putin’s Russia
Alexandar Mihailovic
Pure Hate: The Political Aesthetic of Prussian Blue
Patricia Anne Simpson
The New “Great White Hope?” White Nationalist Discourses of Race, Color, and Country in the Career of Mexican Boxer Saúl “Canelo” Álvarez
Justin D. García
The Roots of East German Xenophobia
Freya Klier

About the Contributors

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