Graham, G: Disordered Mind

Graham, G: Disordered Mind
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George Graham is Professor of Philosophy and Neuroscience at Georgia State University, USA. He is the author, co-author, or co-editor of more than a dozen books, including When Self-Consciousness Breaks (2000), Reconceiving Schizophrenia (2007) and the Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry (2013).
The Disordered Mind, second edition is a superb introduction to the philosophy of mental disorder for students of philosophy, psychology, psychiatry, and related mental health professions.
Part 1: Introduction 1.1 Stability and Instability 1.2 One Brief History 1.3 What Is This Book About? 1.4 Summary 1.5 Suggested Readings Part 2: Conceiving Mental Disorder 2.1 Mental Disorder Has Consequences 2.2 What Should a Theory of Mental Disorder Do? 2.3 The Mind of Mental Disorder 2.4 Exemplars of Mental Disorder 2.5 Roles of the Mental in Mental Disorder 2.6 Summary 2.7 Suggested Readings Part 3: The Disorder of Mental Disorder 3.1 What Makes Mental Disorder Undesirable? 3.2 Morally Therapeutic Interlude and Lure of the Disease Model 3.3 Are Mental Disorders Diseases? 3.4 Mental Disorder, Brain Disorder, and DSM 3.5 Summary 3.6 Suggested Readings Part 4: Skepticism about Mental Disorder 4.1 Mental Disorder and the Mind-Body Problem 4.2 Pro-Dualism: The First Line of Defense 4.3 Metaphysical Ecumenism and Physicalism: The Second Line 4.4 Mental Disorder and Respect for Persons 4.5 Summary 4.6 Suggested Readings Part 5: Seeking Norms for Mental Disorder 5.1 Despair, Depression, and Disorder 5.2 Anxiety, DSM and Assessing Norms 5.3 Cultural Conventionalism 5.4 Mind Maladapted 5.5 Rationality and Intentionality 5.6 Logic of Its Own 5.7 Summary 5.8 Suggested Readings Part 6: An Original Position 6.1 Social Order, Mental Order and Veils of Ignorance 6.2 The Importance of Conscious Experience 6.3 Basic Psychological Capacities 6.4 A Concept of Mental Disorder 6.5 Coming to Grief over Psychopathy 6.6 Summary 6.7 Suggested Readings Part 7: Addiction and Responsibility for Self 7.1 Impulse, Inhibition and Responsibility for Self 7.2 Compulsion and Addiction 7.3 Animal Models 7.4 Neural Models 7.5 How Brain Mechanisms May Gum Up the Works 7.6 Summary 7.7 Suggested Readings Part 8: Reality Lost and Found 8.1 Symptom and Schizophrenia 8.2 Grand Delusions 8.3 Delusion and Self Comprehension 8.4 Realism among the Ruins 8.5 Paranoia, Benevolence, and Imagination 8.6 Summary 8.7 Suggested Readings Part 9: Minding the Missing Me 9.1 Me, Myself and My Selves 9.2 'I am Dead' but Do Not Mean It 9.3 Self Serving in a Supermarket 9.4 Concluding Thoughts 9.5 Summary 9.6 Suggested Readings. Index

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