Rural Housing and Economic Development

Rural Housing and Economic Development
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Don E Albrecht
399 g
234x156x15 mm

Don E. Albrecht is the Director of the Western Rural Development Center, Utah State University, USA.
Housing is crucial to the quality of life and wellbeing for individuals and familes, but the availability of adequate or affordable housing also plays a vital role in community economic development. Rural areas face a substantial disadvantage compared to urban areas in regard to housing, and this book explores these issues.
1. Rural Housing and Economic Development, Don E. Albrecht, Scott Loveridge, Stephan Goetz, and Rachel Welborn, 2. The role of housing in rural behavioral health, Brandn Green, 3. Are Rural Areas Underserved by HUD's Subsidy Programs?, Paul E. McNamara and Han Bum Lee, 4. What Drives Spatial Variation in Housing Cost-Burden among Rural Low- and Moderate-Income Renters?, John Cromartie and Peter Han, 5. Reinvesting in Rural America Through Affordable Mortgage Finance, Keith Wiley and Lance George, 6. National Rural Housing Policy and Programs: Opportunities and Challenges, Corianne Payton Scally with Surabhi Dabir and David Lipsetz, 7. Sustainable Housing Development: The Hopi Way, Carlos V. Licón, 8. Examining the Housing Dilemma in the Rural South's Alabama Black Belt & Mississippi Delta Regions, Stephanie A. Pink-Harper, 9. The People Left Behind: A Look at Rural Housing Policy Implications at the Half-Century Mark, Leslie T. Grover, Tiffany W. Franklin and Eric Horent, 10. Manufactured Home Living across Rural America, William Dyar, Jungmin Lim and Mark Skidmore, 11. Housing Challenges and Policy Implications of Shale Oil Development in Rural Communities, Felix Fernando, Anne Junod, Jeffrey Jacquet, Robert Hearne, Lynette Flage, 12. Growth, Development, and Housing Stock Quality in the Administrative U.S. Appalachian Region, Russell Weaver, 13. Meeting rural housing needs through local community development, Kim Skobba, Ebunoluwa Odeyemi, and Karen Tinsley, 14. Home Improvement Investment in Rural America: Spatial Pattern and Determinants, Haoying Wang

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