Speech of Hon. W. S. Oldham, of Texas, on the Subject of the Finances

Speech of Hon. W. S. Oldham, of Texas, on the Subject of the Finances
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Senate, December 23, 1863
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar

7,38 €*

Williamson Simpson Oldham
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Mr. President, we must not come to a wrong conclusion upon this sub jcet; the consequences would be terrible. Our constituents are looking with anxious interest to the action of Congress, not only upon this, but upon other measures of vast import which demand our attention. A greater or more fearful responsibility never devolved upon any body of men than now rests upon us. Re have in our keeping the lives, liberty and property of millions of freemen. The patriot of every land is looking with trem bling anxiety upon this the greatest struggle in the world's history, for the vindication of man's right to selfgovernment. We must come up to the magnitude of the crisis.
Mr. President, we must not come to a wrong conclusion upon this sub jcet; the consequences would be terrible. Our constituents are looking with anxious interest to the action of Congress, not only upon this, but upon other measures of vast import which demand our attention. A greater or more fearful responsibility never devolved upon any body of men than now rests upon us. Re have in our keeping the lives, liberty and property of millions of freemen. The patriot of every land is looking with trem bling anxiety upon this the greatest struggle in the world's history, for the vindication of man's right to selfgovernment. We must come up to the magnitude of the crisis.

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