The Annals of Loch Cé

The Annals of Loch Cé
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A Chronicle of Irish Affairs From A. D. 1014 to A. D. 1590
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16,23 €*

William M. Hennessy
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. They expressed their approbation of the proposal that each Chronicle and historical document should be edited in such a manner as to represent with all possible correct ness 'the text of each writer, derived from a collation of the best MS S., and that no notes should be added, except such as were illustrative of the various readings They suggested, however, that the preface to each work should contain, in addition to the particulars proposed by the Master of the Rolls, a biographical account of the author, so far as authentic materials existed for that purpose.
They expressed their approbation of the proposal that each Chronicle and historical document should be edited in such a manner as to represent with all possible correct ness 'the text of each writer, derived from a collation of the best MS S., and that no notes should be added, except such as were illustrative of the various readings They suggested, however, that the preface to each work should contain, in addition to the particulars proposed by the Master of the Rolls, a biographical account of the author, so far as authentic materials existed for that purpose.

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