An Account of the Life and Character of Christopher Ludwick

An Account of the Life and Character of Christopher Ludwick
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Late Citizen of Philadelphia, and Baker-General of the Army of the United States During the Revolutionary War
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Benjamin Rush
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Lutherans. Of this school he always retain ed a grateful remembrance, as will appear in the sequel of his life. At seventeen years of age, he enlisted as a privatesoldier in the army of'the Emperor of Germany, and bore his part in the war carried on by the Aus trians against the Turks, between the years 1737 and 1740. At the close of the war in Turkey, he set off with one hundred men for Vienna. Their march was through a drea ry country. And in extremely cold Weather. Seventy-five of his companions perished on the way. He spent some months in Vienna. The incident that made the deepest impres sion on his mind while he remained in that city, was the public execution of the Com missary General of the Austrian army, for fraud and peculation.
Lutherans. Of this school he always retain ed a grateful remembrance, as will appear in the sequel of his life. At seventeen years of age, he enlisted as a privatesoldier in the army of'the Emperor of Germany, and bore his part in the war carried on by the Aus trians against the Turks, between the years 1737 and 1740. At the close of the war in Turkey, he set off with one hundred men for Vienna. Their march was through a drea ry country. And in extremely cold Weather. Seventy-five of his companions perished on the way. He spent some months in Vienna. The incident that made the deepest impres sion on his mind while he remained in that city, was the public execution of the Com missary General of the Austrian army, for fraud and peculation.

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