Ames on Forgery, Its Detection and Illustration

Ames on Forgery, Its Detection and Illustration
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With Numerous Causes Célèbres, Illustrated
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73,04 €*

Daniel T. Ames
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. It is as a Specialist in my chosen line of work that I have prepared this volume. I have not sought to make it pro foundly scientific or punctiliously literary, but rather to present in a plain manner some facts drawn from forty years of continuous work in connection with the chirographic art, as teacher, author, editor, publisher, and professional exami ner and witness. As my experience in the latter capacity covers over twelve hundred cases in which the genuineness Of handwriting has been contested in courts Of justice, not only in the American metropolis, but throughout the United States and Canada, also in England and France, the hope is indulged that the volume may be found Of genuine use to handwriting investigators in promoting the ends of justice.
It is as a Specialist in my chosen line of work that I have prepared this volume. I have not sought to make it pro foundly scientific or punctiliously literary, but rather to present in a plain manner some facts drawn from forty years of continuous work in connection with the chirographic art, as teacher, author, editor, publisher, and professional exami ner and witness. As my experience in the latter capacity covers over twelve hundred cases in which the genuineness Of handwriting has been contested in courts Of justice, not only in the American metropolis, but throughout the United States and Canada, also in England and France, the hope is indulged that the volume may be found Of genuine use to handwriting investigators in promoting the ends of justice.

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