A History and Genealogical Record of the Alling Allens of New Haven, Conn

A History and Genealogical Record of the Alling Allens of New Haven, Conn
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The Descendants of Roger Alling, First, and John Alling, Sen;, From 1639 to the Present Time
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11,16 €*

George P. Allen
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. The index figures at the right of names show the genera tion from Roger, ist, or John, Sen., their emigrant ancestor; and the figures at the left are the lineal numbers in their branch, from. The same ancestor; the lower figures, if any, refer to the page where the same name and number may be found with further records. To trace out ancestry - Find the name in this book by the index, look above the name for the parentage, then by their lineal and page numbers find the grandparents, and in the same manner continue following back until the emigrant ancestor is reached.
The index figures at the right of names show the genera tion from Roger, ist, or John, Sen., their emigrant ancestor; and the figures at the left are the lineal numbers in their branch, from. The same ancestor; the lower figures, if any, refer to the page where the same name and number may be found with further records. To trace out ancestry — Find the name in this book by the index, look above the name for the parentage, then by their lineal and page numbers find the grandparents, and in the same manner continue following back until the emigrant ancestor is reached.

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